
Berthold Koletzko is Professor of Paediatrics at LMU – University of Munich, Germany and head, Div. Metabolic & Nutritional Medicine, Hauner Children’s Hospital, Univ. of Munich. He authored >975 journal articles (Web of Science Citations 21 522, H-index 74), 222 book chapters, and 38 books. Bert is President, Federation Int Soc of Paediatr Gastroenterol, Hepatol & Nutrition, Past-President, Eur Soc Paediatr Gastroenterol, Hepatol & Nutrition, President-Elect, Int Soc Res Human Milk & Lactation, Treasurer Elect, United Eur Gastroenterology, Chair, Tertiary Care Council, Eur Paediatr Academy. His research grants during the last decade of >20 mio.€ were provided by EU Framework Programmes 6, 7 & H2020, Eur Research Council, German Research Council, governments of Germany, Bavaria and Norway, US NIH and others. He coordinated the EU funded projects CHOP, PIANAO, EARNEST, EarlyNutrition, Early Nutrition eAcademy South East Asia and Capacity Building to Improve Early Nutrition and Health in South Africa. He is member of the grant review board medicine, German Research Council and chairs their Clinical Trial grant review board. Bert is Editor in Chief of Ann Nutrition & Metabolism and World Rev Nutr & Dietetics, and Associate Editor of Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metabol Care and Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde. 

Berthold Koletzko,Dr. med. Dr. med. habil. (MD PhD) Dres. h.c. Prof. of Paediatrics Prof. h.c.
LMU - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital, Univ. of Munich Medical Center, Campus Innenstadt, Lindwurmstr. 4, D-80337 Muenchen, Germany,

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