31 January 2024

BioMed Alliance welcomes a new member: ESCCA

The BioMed Alliance is proud to welcome a new member, the European Society for Clinical Cell Analysis (ESCCA). We look forward to working with this newest member to continue to raise awareness on the perspectives of medical and research societies across Europe.

ESCCA is a scientific society founded to ensure the continuation of the activities of the European Working Group on Clinical Cell Analysis (EWGCCA). EWGCCA was formed in 1996 with a Biomed-2 grant in order to establish collaboration between sixteen European centres that use and develop flow cytometric applications mainly for clinical purposes. Since 1996 EWGCCA has organised very successful annual European Courses and Euroconferences aimed at the standardisation, validation and dissemination of flow cytometric know-how and its implementation in clinical laboratories. The Courses and Conferences have included presentations by high-profile speakers from the USA. The annual ESCCA European Courses now rank among the world’s largest educational events in flow cytometry.