18 May 2023

Multi-stakeholder EHDS Workshop to kicked off discussions on the proposal

The EU Health Coalition, with the support of BioMed Alliance, EAU, EFPIA and COCIR organised a hybrid workshop with stakeholders and policy makers on 18 May to ‘Maximise EHDS impact on better health data sharing’. During the meeting we started by listening to the Commission who presented the main elements of the proposal, then we continued with two case studies with practical examples of health data sharing. We finished with a panel discussion on health data sharing with a range of panellists from the EMA, Sciensano/TEHDAS, EPF, COCIR, BioMed Alliance/EAU and the Danish Health Data Authority. Discussions showed that facilitating health data sharing can contribute to better healthcare and research, and that there are numerous best practices that can be incorporated in the development of EHDS.